
Zimsec A level Sociology syllabus (6043)

Syllabus Topics Paper 1 (2 Hrs 30 Minutes-100 marks)30% This component has 10 structured essay questions and has two sections. Section A is compulsory and section B has nine structured essay questions. candidates must answer any three questions on section B. 1:Perspectives in Sociology 2:Socialisation 3:Family 4:Culture 5:Religion 6:Research Methods 7:Education 8:Gender 9:Social Stratification 10:Age Paper 2 (3 Hours-100 Marks) 35% This component consist of essay questions.Answer 4 questions out of a possible 8.each question carries 25 Marks. 11:Race and Ethnicity 12:Unemployment 13:Poverty 14:Enterprise and Work 15:Leisure 16:Population and Health 17:Globalisation and Social Change 18:Urbanisation 19:Governance and Citizenship 20:Deviance,crime and social control 21:Mass Media Continuous assessment 35% Summative Assessment 65%