Zimsec A level Sociology past exam paper 1(2018)



Answer Four questions only

Question 1 is compulsory

Choose any three questions from section B

                                        Section A

1  Read the passage and answer all the questions that follow.

Marx concentrated primarily on change in modern times. According to him , the most important changes were bound up with the developing of capitalism. As a system of production that contrasts radically with all previous economic systems, capitalism focuses on the production of goods and services sold to a wide range of consumers. Marx identified two main elements within capitalism enterprises. The first is capital, which includes any asset including money, machines or even factories that can be used or invested to make future assets. The accumulation of wealth/capital goes hand in hand with the second element, wage-labor. This refers to the pool of workers who do not own the means of their livelihood, but who must find employment provided by the owners of capital.
(adapted and modified from Giddens 2011.18)

  1. Define capitalism                                                                                              (3)
  2. Differentiate infrastructure from superstructure                                                (4)
  3. Describe any two institutions that are manipulated by the dominant class      (8)
  4. Assess the Marxist view that equality “will down one day”                              (10)

Section B

Answer any three questions

2     It is society that makes us human through socialization. Society makes possible the transmission of culture from one generation to the next.

  1. What is meant by the term socialization?                                         (3)
  2. Describe the peer group as an agent of socialization                       (4)
  3. Explain how socialization perpetuates gender in equality.                 (8)
  4. Examine the nature-nurture debate of socialization                          (10)
3       One of the most startling changes in Zimbabwean families is the increase the number of marriages ending in divorce.

  1. What is meant by the term divorce                                         (3)
  2. Describe any two causes of divorce                                       (4)
  3. Explain any four effects of divorce on the family                     (8)
  4.  Evaluate measures that can be taken to address the problem of Divorce in Zimbabwe  (10)

4      The term subculture is applied to a wide range of groups, including communities which live together and have a shared lifestyle. These groups include youth groups sharing common musical interests and enjoying the same leisure activities, people with similar religious beliefs and members of the same gang.

  1. Define subculture                                                                                          (3)
  2. Describe any two characteristics of a subculture                                          (4)
  3. What are the reasons for the emergence of subcultures in Zimbabwe?        (8)
  4. To what extent has the Zimbabwean culture been affected by urbanization  (10)

5       It is possible to categorise the different types of religious organisations through which people express and practice their religious beliefs.

  1. Define the term religious organisations.                                                     (3)
  2. Describe any two religious  organisations                                                 (4).
  3. Explain how religion can be a catalyst in spreading HIV and AIDS          (8)
  4. Examine why church attendance has increased in modern day societies (10)

6      Participant observation has a long history in sociology as a means for gathering data. One of the most important decisions that participant observers have to make is to adopt an approach to use.It is also necessary for participant observers to be as objective as possible.

  1. What is participant observation                                                         (3)
  2. Describe  two types of participant observation                                  (4)
  3. With the aid of examples, explain the idea of going native               (8)
  4.  Assess the relevance of participant observation as a research tool. (10)

7    Education is one of the major social institutions in Zimbabwe. Education can be explained in various forms, as it has multiple functions that it plays for the survival of the society.

  1. Define the term education                       (3)
  2. Describe any two types of education       (4)
  3. Explain any four functions of education                      (8)
  4. Drawing from school experiences,what features of education are there to prepare learners for their adult and working life after school. (10)

8   The gender roles of a woman enslave her. Petty housework continues to degrade and chain her to the kitchen, the nursery and waste her labor on unproductive petty and crushing drudgery.

  1. What are gender roles.                                               (3)
  2. Describe any two gender roles that can only be ascribed to women  (4)
  3. Explain gender practices that have contributed to the spread of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe (8)
  4.  Discuss the Marxist perspective on gender.             (10)

 9     Karl Marx states that the history of all societies up to present is the history of class struggles caused by the unequal distribution of rewards in societies. According ti him, all societies are stratified’

  1.  Define the term social class                                                           (3)
  2. Differentiate between class and caste                                             (4)
  3. Explain any four differences among social classes in Zimbabwe.    (8)
  4. Discuss the Marxist theory of social stratification                            (10)

10    Zimbabweans understand old age as a symbol of wisdom and morality

  1. What is meant by the term old age                                            (3)
  2.  Describe any two advantages of old age in Zimbabwe             (4)
  3.  Explain any four problems faced by old people in Zimbabwe    (8)
  4.  To what extent is the Zimbabwean society helping old people  (10)


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