Answer all questions in this section
Each question carries 10 marks

1 (a) List four provisions of the Lancaster House Constitution of 1979.(4)

(b) Explain three reasons for the amendment of the Lancaster House Constitution by the Zimbabwean government in (3)
(C) To what extent have Zimbabweans benefited from the amendment of the Lancaster House Constitution of 1979? (3)

2 (a)

(b) Explain any three stages taken to conduct a Nhimbe/ilima. (3)
(c) Propose three reasons for the decline of Nhimbe/ilima in recent years.(3)

3 (a) State any four national monuments in Zimbabwe. (4)


Answer any two questions in this section.
Each question carries 20 marks.
7 (a) Describe the role played by the masses in the Second Chimurenga/Umvukela. [8]
(b) Illustrate the spirit of African Brotherhood/ Ubuntu during Chimurenga/Umvukela I.(6]
 ( c) Show how colonial misconceptions on National Herilagc can be overcome. [6)

[8] (a) Describe the arcas of concern of the Beijing Declaration (1995).(8)
(b) Illustrate how the Domestic Violence Act (2000) has combated gender based violence. [6]
( c) Explain why women cmancipation is difficult to achieve in Zimbabwe.(6)

9 (a) Describe advantages of computing tools. [8)
(b) Show how ICT tools negatively affect work in industries.( 6)
(C) Suggest measures that can be put to deal with negative impacts of ICT on Zimbabwean musicians. [6)
10 (a) Describe the symptoms of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (CoVID-19).(8)
(b) Why did the outbreak of the Coronavirus spread throughout the world? (6)
(c) What preventive measures have been taken througnout the world to reduce the spread of the CoronavirusS. (6)

11 (a) Describe the aims of SADC (8 )
(b) Explain the importance of Zimbabwe's membership in regional  economic ntegration.(6)

(c) Discuss ways in which Zimbabwe has benefited as a member of SADC. (6)


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