Time:       2hours 30minutes

Answer any five questions

1. Sociologists are found in both public and private sectors carrying out dillerent tasks.

(a) Who is a sociologist? [2)

(b) List any four career opportunities for sociologists. [4)

(c) Deseribe any three characteristics of sociology. |6)

(d) Explain any four benefits of sociology to the society.(8)

2 .Blended families are increasingly becoming common in modern society.

(a) What is a blended family?(2)

(b) Describe any two advantages of blended families.(4)

(C) Explain any three challenges facing blended families.(6)

(d) Discuss ways of managing a blended family.(8)

3. Cultural diversity is a characteristic of modern society.

(a) What is cultural diversiny?(2)

(b) Describe any two advantages of cultural diversity.(4)

(C) Explain any three challenges cultural diversity can cause to the society.(6)

(d) Suggest any four ways individuals can preserve cultural heritage.(8)

4. Informal education starts the day a child is bom and continues until death.

(a) Define the term informal education.(2)

(b) Describe any two characteristics of informal education.(4)

(C )Explain any three advantages of informal education.(6)

(d)To what extent does infornal cducation promote the rights of children?(8)

5. Advancement in science and technology has made a great effect on people's lives.

(a Define the term technolog.(2)

(b) State any four devices used in technology.[2]

(c) Explain any three challenges of technology.(6)

(d) Discuss the role of technology in communication.(8)

6. Causes of crime vary from one society to the other.

(a) What is crime?(2)

(b) State any four types of crime.[4]

(c) Explain any three causes of crime.[6]

(d) Suggest any four ways to reduce crime in Zimbabwe.[8]

7. Under no circumstances does the constitution of Zimbabwe allow the violation of children's rights.

(a) What are children's rights?[2]

(b) List any four organisations responsible for protecting children's rights.[4]

(c) Explain any three children's rights.(6)

(d) To what extent is poverty violating children's rights?[8]

8. Zimbabwe's fertility rate is on a steady decline due to a number of factors.

(al Define the term fertility rate.(2)

(b) List any four family planning methods.(4)

(C) Explain any three causes of infant mortality in Zimbabwe.(6)

(d) Discuss any four factors affecting fertility rate in Zimbabwe.[8]

9. Political power is evident in every social group.

(a) What is political power?(2)

(b) List any four political parties in Zimbabwe.(4)

(c) Explain any three advantages ofholding political power.(6)

(d) Discuss ways to address political power imbalances in Zimbabwe.(8)

10.The updated curriculum intends to groom a learner who will have strong enterprising skills.

(a) Define the term enterprise.[2]

(b) List any four enterprising skills.[4]

(C) Explain any three business units.[6]

(d) Discuss any four ways in which technical and vocational training promote enterprising.[8]


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